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iPhone 7 Plus 4K Camera Test (Audio issues anyone?)

Erica Griffin
I went out into nature to test out the iPhone 7 Plus camera in 4K. I like the overall result but am disturbed by the audio sounding like it’s dealing with some interference. Thoughts? Stay tuned for full review! Interesting tidbit: when taking macro shots (10cm macro) it may zoom/crop with 28mm f/1.8 lens instead […]

Galaxy Note 7 In-Depth Review: Episode 1

Erica Griffin
*Design, Durability, scratching, battery issues, S Pen Features* This phone is so complex that I am splitting it up into 3 episodes. 1. Intro (0:00) 2. Design and Feel / practicalities (0:43) 3. What about scratches? (5:01) 4. Water Use & S Pen (8:56) 5. Design flaw? (9:35) 6. Low Down on Recall (10:22) 7. […]

2 Galaxy S7 Actives: International Giveaway!!!

Erica Griffin
Enter the giveaway HERE: https://gleam.io/GZNzv/samsung-galaxy-s7-active-giveaway Must be subscribed to all 4 of our channels (see gleam!). You will also have chances for bonus entries! Follow instructions on gleam =) Stay tuned for winners on the 15th of September! https://twitter.com/AndruEdwards https://twitter.com/zedomax https://twitter.com/superscientific

Moto Z / Z Force Review: 2 Months with Modular Phones

Erica Griffin
1. Intro (0:00) 2. Build and design (0:24) 3. Thank you to Braintree for making content creation possible! (5:14) 4. Screen Durability and Hammer Test (6:19) 5. Performance (8:36) 6. Useful Features (11:01) 7. The Moto Mods (12:33) 8. Battery Life (22:39) 9. Display Performance & Analysis (24:18) 10. Speaker, Audio, Connectivity (27:50) 11. Cameras […]

Flip Phone Challenge: COMPLETE! (Feat. Michael Fisher)

Erica Griffin
Well, this was a bit horrifying, if not enlightening. I used a flip phone for a week exclusively and here is what happened. My friend Michael also decided to join me, though he seemed to fare a bit better than I did lol. http://www.youtube.com/themrmobile http://www.twitter.com/themrmobile “theMrMobile” on Twitter, FB, IG and “mrmobilesnaps” on Snapchat.