Galaxy S9 & S9 Plus: All You Need to Know (2 MONTHS LATER)
The full, in-depth review of the Samsung Galaxy S9 & Galaxy S9 Plus after 2 months of using them. Here is everything you need to know!
S9 Cases: / S9+ Cases:
Discount code for 20% off: ERICA
Time coded:
1. Intro (0:00)
2. Some Immediate Conclusions (0:29)
3. Look & Feel (1:48)
4. Thoughts on durability (5:12)
5. Some case recommendations (5:51) Rhinoshield Sponsored
6. Intelligent Scan Experiment (6:54)
7. Speakers & tests (11:06)
8. Thoughts for headphone jack (14:58)
9. New Interface Features (15:45)
10. Using Blood Pressure Sensor (19:19)
11. Core Features (21:36)
12. Specs & Performance (22:47)
13. The Displays – Analysis (24:58)
14. Battery Life & Connectivity (28:14)
15. Conclusion (29:46)