Galaxy S4 ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW: Part 2 (Displays)
This part is all about the S4 display! See how it compares to the S3 and HTC One in crazy depth.
Part 1:
Part 3:
Link to test for black clipping or smoothness in gradient near black:
1. S4 vs S3 pixel density (0:05)
2. S3 Black Clipping (1:53)
3. S4 vs HTC One (5:27)
4. Display Vibrancy (9:01)
5. Galaxy S4 Display Issues (11:44)
6. S4 Display Modes Explained (16:34)
7. Blue Pixel Burn In (19:11)
8. Sunlight Visibility (21:28)
9. End (21:50)