OnePlus 5: Unboxing & In-Depth REVIEW

Erica Griffin
Thank you to LassPass for partnering with me to make this video possible! Check out my full time coded review of the OnePlus 5! It has crazy specs & performance for the price! 1. Intro (0:00) 2. Unboxing (0:18) 3. Thank you to LastPass for supporting my channel! (5:25) 4. A look at OnePlus […]

Behind the Scenes | OnePlus 5 Media Kit

J. Sulzbach
Note: This post was an early-access reward for patrons. Support Erica at! Look what came in the mail today! Naturally, Bruiser had to inspect it before offering his approval. Erica will be shooting the unboxing video this evening.

Galaxy S8 & S8+ || ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW (Part 1)

Erica Griffin
*TIME CODED REVIEW* Full In-Depth review of the Galaxy S8 & Galaxy S8+. It’s LONG so it’s time coded! Stay tuned for part 2! 1. Intro (0:00) 2. Which Size Do I get? (00:46) 3. A Tour Around the Devices (3:49) 4. Look and Feel (5:35) 5. Durability (6:33) 6. Design Concerns (8:05) 7. Display […]