Galaxy Note 9 Review: One Month Later (Part 1)
I used the Samsung Galaxy Note 9 for over a month. Here are 5 reasons I find the Note 9 worth buying. This is part 1. Part 2 of this review is on the way!
1. Intro: (0:04)
2. The display specs & thoughts (1:09)
3. Display measurements (2:34)
4. Display Shadow Clipping (4:56)
5. Display Edge Light glow (5:37)
6. The Pen Oldies but Goodies & what is actually useful (6:51)
7. All about the new pen features (11:53)
8. What’s in part 2 (15:00)
9. Camera improvements (Part 2 in the works)
10. Game performance (Part 2 in the works)
11. MOAR EVERYTHING – including 128GB vs 512GB (Part 2 in the works)