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Mothra Tamagotchi

Erica Griffin
This is a mothra Tamagotchi that was released in 1997 for the Mothra movie. I currently have this blue one and the green version. The Mothra has a very cute evolving process behind it. You must first succeed in getting the right grub that will evolve into one of the Mothra characters or you will […]


Erica Griffin
This pink little gem came out in 1998 in the honor of a famous Japanese actress. They chose to make a tamagotchi after her simply because her name so much resembled the sound of tamagotchi. The goal is to raise an actor or actress by practicing acting skills with your help and by rehearsing by […]


Erica Griffin
This is a video of Devilgotchi. He was brought onto the scene in 1998. In this video he throws a pie at me and I have to punish him for his tricks. As I note in the video, my phone camcorder does not receive high frequency sound accurately.