iPhone 5: Destruction & Giveaway (Rebuild)

Erica Griffin
20 minutes of non-stop destruction! *SEE TIME CODES FOR TOPICS!* This allows me to GIVE the rebuilt iPhone 5 AWAY! Thank you http://www.Etradesupply.com 1. The Plan (00:25) 2. iPhone 5 General Durability Overview (2:00) 3. Abrasion and Scratch Testing (4:34) 4. Drop Tests (7:19) 5. The Salvage (10:40) 6. Mallet Smash (11:07) 7. Beach Torture […]

MOGA POWER Controllers: Pro, Hero, Ace

Erica Griffin
This multi-product review is time coded. Turn your iPhone or Android into a full gaming console and charge your phone at the same time! http://www.MogaAnywhere.com 1. Intro/ Lookover – Android and iPhone (0:22) 2. iPhone Moga Ace Power Controller Review (3:55) 3. Android Moga Pro and Hero Controllers Review (12:12) I will be giving some […]

Nexus 5 Review: All You Need To Know

Erica Griffin
Cool Stuff I have or Like: http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/buy/erica-griffins-recommended-gear/ci/28210/Ns/p_REVIEWS%7c1/ipp/100/N/3762178454/view/GRID/BI/20080/KBID/13863 Timecoded review! See timecodes below to jump to topic! 1. Introduction (0:13) 2. Build Quality (1:00) 3.A walk around the phone (3:43) 4. The New Kit Kat (6:04) 5. Fun With Apps (15:54) 6. Display Analysis (22:57) 7. Processors (24:37) 8. Audio and Issues (30:06) 9. Battery Life […]

Nexus 5: “Mini” Review and Impressions

Erica Griffin
Before the full review, I have released a smaller video first to let you know my immediate thoughts. Where to disable your location history: https://maps.google.com/locationhistory/b/0/dashboard Link to Google Plus Images: https://plus.google.com/114197690252402701122/posts/e2RwE97TUVi